Transilvanian Hunger - Darkthrone

Transilvanian Hunger


  • Genre: Metal
  • Release Date: 1994-02-17
  • Explicitness: explicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 8

  • ℗ 1994 Peaceville Records


Title Artist Time
Transilvanian Hunger Darkthrone 6:09 USD 1.29
Over fjell og gjennom torner Darkthrone 2:28 USD 1.29
Skald av Satans sol Darkthrone 4:28 USD 1.29
Slottet i det fjerne Darkthrone 4:45 USD 1.29
Graven tåkeheimens saler Darkthrone 4:59 USD 1.29
I en hall med flesk og mjød Darkthrone 5:12 USD 1.29
As Flittermice As Satans Spys Darkthrone 5:54 USD 1.29
En ås i dype skogen Darkthrone 5:02 USD 1.29


  • Can’t get enough of these guys

    By AFlagg00
    One of Darkthrone’s best albums ever, I say.
  • Thump-thump-thump-thump-thump...

    By Necroramo
    From a verbal description, this album shouldn't work. It's the same drumbeat for the entire album, with very bare-bones guitar riffs that hardly change within each song. However, the fact that this band makes it work with SUCH perfection is even more proof that this album is insanely good. This odd formula works for two reasons: First, the tone and atmosphere. Everything here has this perfect mix of grimness and fury, and it's greatly augmented by the low quality of the recording. Nocturno Culto's vocals are also just perfect for this. Second, the timing. These songs drone on and on, but Darkthrone has an acute instinct for when to shift from one musical idea to the next. This strikes me the most profoundly in "I en Hall...": the droning riff almost lulls you into a sense of security, and then Nocturno's vocals blast out of nowhere and practically knock you out of your chair. I also appreciate the bass part to "As Flittermice;" it slowly but surely evolves over the course of the song, adding a subtle and glorious texture. The basic conceit of this album is simple enough, and countless artists have tried to imitate it with formulaic application of the individual components of this album. But, this album works, and the imitations don't, because Transilvanian Hunger has complete awareness of and control over what it's doing.
  • Darkthrone🖤

    By UglySalamander
    When stuck in a cabin with a slew of instruments and a potato. No one does it better than Darkthrone. The potato used to record this album must've been a slightly burnt baked one that was left in the snow afterwards that later got moldy. Because this tone is harsh, cold, fuzzy, and crispy. Darkthrone are masters at the fuzzy whitenoise staple of black metal and it really really helps create a timeless landmark in black metal history. This is the first "trve" black metal album I heard. And will always hold a special place and is a must for anyone exploring the genre. You can't like black metal without liking Darkthrone!
  • Beautiful music.

    By anti_atheist_superstar
    this is true black metal. enough said. its just beautiful.
  • Good black metal album

    By Immortal88
    However, I don't think they played enough blast beats.... Lol ;)
  • Painfully overrated

    By Carnal Malefactor
    I have yet to understand what's so great about this album. Sure, it's raw and black, but besides that there's nothing that makes Transilvanian Hunger special. The only thing it did was spawn hundreds of horrible unoriginal copy bands. Most of the riffs are mediocre and have very little substance to them. Still, there are a few good tracks on here like the title track and "As Flittermice as Satan Spys", but don't bother with the rest. Even though black metal is my favorite genre, I'd chose Darkthrone's death metal debut Soulside Journey over this any day.
  • Somewhat of a flawed masterpiece ...

    By deezerd
    I'm definitely taking a while to warm up to this album, but there's no denying it's got its corpsepainted charms. For one thing, there's no shortage of atmosphere on it - the sheer crudeness of the whole thing put an idiotic grin on my face. Photocopied B&W artwork, garagey 4-track production, drummer pounding away as if in an epileptic fit - love it. Dark riffs, cookie monster vocals - great. If only the songs weren't all in pretty much the same key and tempo. A little more variety would have been nice, ya know guys? Sure, it's an historically important BM album, but I wish even one song would stick in my head ... I guess you can't have everything.
  • Excellent

    By *alaska*
    Some of these reviews make me laugh. Such elitist snobs on here. The only thing I can agree with is that this is an essential album, a true must have. If you're getting into black metal, this should go in your black metal starter kit. While they (along with Mayhem and others) did thrust black metal into the spotlight and call attention to it- they did not single handedly "pioneer" black metal. Remember Venom? Bathory? Mercyful Fate- check your history, these bands got the ball rolling a good ten years before Transilvanian Hunger came out. Masterpiece? Yes. Important to black metal history? Yes. The best black metal album in creation? It's close, but it is far from number one.
  • black metal to the finest

    By ak47loc
    This album was the most i think most popular darkthrone album at this time.They had other ones that were before this though. EN AS I DYPE SKOGEN!
  • Classic album

    By Brian Reading
    This is really just one of those albums that helped to define this age of the genre. In other words, it's a classic. My favorite is "En As I Dype Skogen".