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The Latest Album from The Green Child

The Green Child – “Wow Factor”

The Green Child, formed by Raven Mahon and Mikey Young, presents their new album Look Familiar with the release of the ethereal single “Wow Factor.” The band now includes Shaun Gionis and Alex Macfarlane, adding depth and diversity to their sound.

Mahon revealed that “Wow Factor” was influenced by significant global events, reflecting the prevailing thoughts and emotions of the time. She shared personal connections within the album:

Some tracks pay tribute to family members, such as “The Lawn,” inspired by Mahon’s grandmother’s experience living in a short-lived socialist community in the desert.

The songs serve as a collection of memories and landscapes, incorporating tales passed down from relatives. Mahon sought to honor her ancestors, like her bashful great grandmother known for giggling behind her hand while quilting.

Mikey Young added insights into the collaborative process behind the album: “Raven and I contributed equally to the musical concepts. Working closely with Alex and Shaun enhanced our creative synergy, resulting in a fresh and innovative musical direction.”

Experience “Wow Factor” in the video below.


01 “Wow Factor”
02 “Into Gold”
03 “Step Over Water”
04 “Easy Window”
05 “A Long Beautiful Flowing Cape”
06 “Year Of The Books”
07 “Look Familiar”
08 “Feet Are Rebels”
09 “Private Laugh”
10 “Arrows And Microtones”

Look Familiar will be available on 11/15 via Upset The Rhythm and Hobbies Galore. Pre-order the album here.


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