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Origami Angel’s Latest Musical Offerings: “Sixth Cents (Get It?)” and “secondgradefoofight” Now Streaming on TunesDeck

Origami Angel – “Sixth Cents (Get It?)” & “secondgradefoofight”

Washington D.C.’s emo/pop-punk band Origami Angel is set to launch their upcoming album Feeling Not Found. Fans have already been treated to tracks like “Fruit Wine,” “Dirty Mirror Selfie,” “Where Blue Light Blooms,” and “Wretched Trajectory.” Today, the excitement continues with the release of two additional tracks: “Sixth Cents (Get It?)” and “secondgradefoofight.”

The duo not only creates catchy tunes but also infuses humor into their music! The new tracks come with a creative dual music video that nods to iconic songs from Foo Fighters, Phoebe Bridgers, Smashing Pumpkins, Green Day, Modern Baseball, and Taking Back Sunday.

In a clever twist, “Sixth Cents (Get It?)” tackles the challenges musicians face in the industry. Ryland Heagy from the band shares insights on this topic:

When your passion drives you so much that you’d do it without pay, it opens the door for corporate exploitation. The music industry can be unpredictable, offering wild highs and lows. The artistic essence of creating often clashes with the harsh reality of needing to generate income. Many musicians find their earnings diminished by exploitative labels. This track captures that frustration and playfully critiques industry jargon from those in charge.

Check out the video directed by Britain Weyant below.

The album Feeling Not Found will be available on September 27 through Counter Intuitive.


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