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Explore the Latest Album “In Dreams” by Duster on TunesDeck

Stream Duster’s Surprise New Album In Dreams

Duster has made an incredible transformation. Initially an obscure San Jose slowcore band from 1996-2001, they have now become a significant force in underground music of the 2010s and even found success on TikTok. The band regrouped about five years ago, and since then, they have released more albums than in their original period.

The surprise release of a new album by Duster, titled In Dreams, has caught many off guard. Recent collaborations with Dirty Art Club and Numero Group, along with the unexpected release of new music without prior announcements, have set the stage for this album drop.

In Dreams marks Duster’s second album without founder Jason Albertini, with Clay Parton and Canaan Dove Amber carrying the torch. Fans can expect the dreamy, mesmerizing sound that Duster is known for. You can stream the full album below.

In Dreams is now available through Numero Group.


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