
A New Generation in Conversation with the Nigerian Icons, The Lijadu Sisters

Yeye Taiwo Lijadu, one half of the legendary duo The Lijadu Sisters, embodies cultural heritage during a recent video call. Dressed in traditional attire, Yeye Lijadu shares insightful stories of her upbringing with her late sister, Kehinde Lijadu. Emphasizing the influence of their mother’s wisdom on their music, she reflects on the societal awakening that shaped their impactful musical career.

Yeye Taiwo Lijadu holding a photo of Kehinde Lijadu, both smiling.

Their music reflects a response to cultural challenges, linguistic shifts, and governance issues prevalent in their era. Yeye Lijadu continues to emphasize the significance of addressing societal issues through their music, ensuring that the legacy of storytelling endures.

Their partnership with The Numero Group aims to reintroduce The Lijadu Sisters’ music to a new audience, raising awareness and contributing to contemporary social discourse.

Lending a Voice to the Present

The reissued albums, including their renowned 1979 record featuring hits like “Orere-Elejigbo” and “Erora,” are set for release in September. Amidst a rising wave of political activism and social consciousness, The Lijadu Sisters’ messages resonate with the current African youth.

Yeye Lijadu expresses hope that their music will inspire a new generation to engage with pertinent social issues. Their reissued works also seek to rectify past injustices, ensuring that the women receive due recognition for their contributions to music and societal critique.

Empowering the Youth

Yeye Lijadu acknowledges the importance of preserving their cultural and political legacy, breaking barriers in a male-dominated industry, and inspiring future generations to embrace independence and critical thinking.

While addressing issues of imperialism and cultural preservation, Yeye Lijadu remains optimistic about the impact their music will have on young listeners. She believes in the power of their message to resonate with a diverse audience and foster meaningful conversations.

The Lijadu Sisters performing.

In conclusion, Yeye Lijadu affirms their music’s universal appeal, welcoming diverse audiences to engage with their timeless themes and empowering narratives.


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