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Discover “Son” by Molchat Doma on TunesDeck

Molchat Doma – “Son”

Get ready to immerse yourself in the unique sounds of Belarusian post-punk band Molchat Doma, often compared to an Eastern European version of Depeche Mode. Their upcoming album Belaya Polosa, set to release in October, is preceded by the captivating lead single “Son.” The band shared a poignant message about the song:

“Son” was penned during a period of significant life changes for each band member, including relocating to a new and unfamiliar land. It embodies the loss of all that was once familiar. The accompanying music video conveys the sentiment of departing for the unknown, with the realization that one cannot go back to their former life.

Don’t miss the visual storytelling in director Bryan M. Ferguson’s music video for “Son” below.

Here’s the tracklist for Belaya Polosa:
01 “Ты Же Не Знаешь Кто Я / Ty Zhe Ne Znaesh Kto Ya”
02 “Колесом / Kolesom”
03 “Сон / Son”
04 “Белая Полоса / Belaya Polosa”
05 “Безнадежный Вальс / Beznadezhniy Waltz”
06 “Черные Цветы / Chernye Cvety”
07 “III”
08 “Не Вдвоем / Ne Vdvoem”
09 “Я Так Устал / Ya Tak Ustal”
10 “Зимняя / Zimnyaya”

Mark your calendars for the release of Belaya Polosa on 9/6 via Sacred Bones.


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