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Review of High Vis’ Latest Music – “Mob DLA”

High Vis – “Mob DLA”

High Vis’ previous album, titled Blending, was released in 2022 and was highly acclaimed, earning them a place on the Best Albums list of that year and the Band To Watch recognition. The London punk band is giving fans a taste of their upcoming album with the release of the new track “Mob DLA,” known for its intense energy.

Vocalist Graham Sayle expressed his concerns about the impact of prolonged cuts to public services in the UK, stating, “The relentless slashing of public services over many years has had a profound impact on communities in the UK. Individuals are subjected to stringent assessments to determine their eligibility for support due to enduring disabilities. Despite facing financial challenges, marginalized groups are left to fend for themselves and subsequently face character assassination in targeted media campaigns. All this is occurring while the political and industrial elites and their associates enjoy ever-growing financial rewards. I have witnessed this firsthand within my own family. The emotional toll on individuals who are simply trying to navigate a world seemingly stacked against them is evident. Nevertheless, I’ve also witnessed the strength of community activism in response to prolonged neglect.”

The release of a new album is scheduled for later this year, with no specific details announced yet. In the meantime, listen to “Mob DLA” below.


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